Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wheelchair access white knuckle thrill ride

There is a new car park that has opened in Victoria Road, Dartford. It has the most ridiculous disabled access ramp - a really steep slope with no chance of a run up! The wheelchair user has only the width of the narrow pavement to gain momentum to reach the top of the slope. If they do manage to achieve this impossible task he or she is faced with an immediate obstruction, the "pay here" machine. Then, if they get this far the person then has to manoeuvre a 90ยบ turn whilst teetering at the top of the ramp to finally enter the car park.

Leaving the car park may be a bit more fun for the wheelchair user if they thrive on danger. Without being able to see if any pedestrians are going to cross your path, just launch yourself down the steep slope at great speed then try to stop pretty sharp-ish to avoid over-running the narrow pavement into the busy main road and maybe under an articulated lorry.

Nice effort Dartford Council. The quicker this wheelchair access is disabled the better. Convert the stairs into a gentle slope. I'm sure the able-bodied souls will be able to cope with it without too much extra effort.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Insult from my phone

On the way to work this morning I could hear my phone making beeping sounds in my pocket. My keys where pushing the keypad as I walked. To avoid calling someone by mistake I took my phone from my pocket to see what number had been dialed. I was shocked to see that the phone had gone into text mode and was displaying the word 'Tranny'. The worst thing about it was that the word Tranny had a question mark directly after it. The cheek of it! I wasn't even able to reply.